An interdisciplinary team with extremely competent participants and diverse roles makes up the InnoWind dream-team. Direct involvement of two companies who see a business potential in InnoWind’s results and two end users who will be early adopters of the project outcomes ensures a successful project in the long term.
DTU WE is coordinator of InnoWind and has all the expertise and administrative staff required to coordinate large research projects. DTU WE will lead the implementation of satellite based products into flow models and dissemination of results. Charlotte Hasager (Coordinator) has managed 30+ research projects about remote sensing for wind energy. Merete Badger (acting PL) is an experienced project leader who has worked with SAR for wind energy for 13 years, Ebba Dellwik is an expert modeller of flow over forest, Andrea Hahmann is an experienced land surface and mesoscale modeller.
DTU Space is responsible for development of algorithms and products linking radar backscatter from S-1 to the surface parameters required by flow models. The success of this task relies heavily on the vast expertise with SAR held by DTU Space. Henning Skriver is an expert in vegetation monitoring from SAR.
DHI-GRAS is responsible for development of novel surface parameters based on optical sensing from S-2, procurement of data from contributing missions, and exploitation of novel data layers to own customer base and EMD, upon agreement of IPR. Rasmus Borgstrøm holds a vast experience in business development and Lotte Nyborg is an expert in vegetation mapping from S-1 and S-2.
EMD will ingest satellite based data layers into their flow models immediately from project kick-off. As the project progresses, more advanced products will be ingested and offered as ‘premium’ products to EMD customers. Morten Thøgersen has a solid experience in wind resource assessment and an eye for business linked to wind energy.
Vestas will perform validation trial cases for locations where they have business interests The trial cases will be based on Vestas’ database with wind and turbine observations plus model outputs for more than 100 measurement points around the world. This data archive will be screened in order to identify the ten most suitable points where site observations and model outputs are collocated with satellite based products. Vestas will deliver time series measurements covering at least two years and, for a subset of the sites, longer series to be used for long-term correction of results. Vestas will run in-house models with novel InnoWind data layers, and quantify the effects. Line Storelvmo Holmberg is Director of Vestas’ Service & Plant Solutions and leading modeling activities and Mark Zagar is senior expert on flow modelling.
Vattenfall is a major wind farm developer and wind farm owner and sees a business opportunity in InnoWind’s results. Vattenfall will define the user requirements and perform validation trial cases based on their large archive of wind measurements and turbine data, in particular from forest sites. This archive will be screened to identify ten sites, which offer the best collocation with satellite based products of InnoWind. For these sites, Vattenfall will provide time series observations over at least two years. Anders Sommer is Senior R&D Engineer within Wind Power R&D and an expert in wind farm siting and wind power in forestry.