A CFD_mesh

Parameters to flow models and global case studies

The requirements for new inputs to flow models at the micro- and mesoscale will be identified. DTU WE and end users from industry will conduct case studies, at many sites with different wind climates and surface characteristics, where flow models are run with the new satellite based input layers. The influence of the new products on wind resource assessment will be quantified based on verification against site observations. A ‘forest module’ will be developed for canopy-resolving modeling at the micro-scale such that novel data layers from WP1 can be fully exploited.

Task 2.1 Requirements analysis
Requirements from the wind flow modeling community will be collected and analyzed. Throughout the project, the requirements will be revisited as intermediate and final project outcomes are released to the modeling community.

Expected outcome:

Report on requirements for new inputs to flow models.

Task 2.2 Selection of global sites for trial cases 

At least 10 global test sites will be selected amongst the sites where partners in the project are active and where wind observations are available. Vestas, Vattenfall and DTU WE will screen their databases for site observations collocated in time and space with the satellite based products of WP1.

Expected outcome:

Sites and data requirements identified for global trial cases - at least 10 sites.

Task 2.3 Case studies at global sites incl. validation

The 10 sites selected in Task 2.2 will be used for validation of flow models runs with novel satellite based inputs. The effect of using new satellite based input layers will be quantified through comparisons of the modelled wind speed and wind resources with site observations.

Expected outcome:
  • Interim assessment of the effect of using novel data layers in flow models.
  • Report on the case studies incl. results of validation studies.

Task 2.4 Adaptation of flow models to satellite based inputs

Existing flow models will be adapted to run with new satellite based input layers. In particular, the flow models included in the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application (WAsP) tool will be updated with a new module for forest modeling, which takes the properties of tall vegetation better into account.

Expected outcome:

A new forest module for canopy-resolving microscale models.


14 DECEMBER 2024