
Project results will be disseminated through a range of channels including a project web site and social media accounts with frequent announcements and news stories (for the general public), presentations at scientific conferences and publications in scientific journals (for the research community), a user workshop and online tutorials for use of the project outcomes (for the wind energy community). A detailed dissemination plan will be developed within the first half-year to outline specific objectives for different target groups.

Task 4.1 Dissemination plan development

A detailed plan for dissemination of the project will be developed within the first three months of the investment period. The plan will consider different objectives and target groups and outline the necessary channels to reach out to each of these. It will also state the projects ambition for open access to and long-term preservation of project results (cf. the Open Access policy for public-sector research councils and foundations).

Expected outcome:

Report outlining the project’s dissemination plan.

Task 4.2 Setup and maintain web site and social media (DTU WE) 

A dedicated project web site will be setup within the first three months of the investment period. The site will be maintained throughout the investment period with news stories about the project and its outcomes and access to the publicly available deliverables. The web site will link to dedicated project accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter where news can be distributed fast to the project’s followers.

Expected outcome:

Project web site and social media accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Task 4.3 Scientific conferences and publications

Partners in the project will present the preliminary and final outcomes at scientific conferences and in international peer reviewed journals. Examples of relevant conferences are: Wind Europe Summit, Wind Europe Tech workshops, EAWE Wind Energy Science Conference, EAWE Torque conferences, EGU General Assembly, ESA Living Planet Symposium, ESA-ESRIN WorldCover Conference, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. A more exhaustive list of potential events and relevant journals will be given in the dissemination plan.

Expected outcome:
  • At least two annual contributions to international conferences in wind energy or remote sensing.

  • At least two publications in international peer reviewed journals.

Task 4.4 Organize user workshops and training

User workshops will be organized at the project mid-term and by the end of the investment period. Key stakeholders in the project will be invited and the project outcomes will be demonstrated. Online training and demonstration sessions will be developed and distributed widely in order to lower the barriers for using new satellite based inputs for wind flow modeling.

Expected outcome:
  • Two public user workshops.
  • Online tutorials for use of InnoWind outputs.

12 DECEMBER 2024